
Oh Armada, Armada, Armada...

I had such high expectations for Ernest Cline's second novel Armada, after reading Ready Player One. I'd bought a copy of Armada for myself, but hadn't read it until I decided to give it as a Christmas gift to one of my friends. I bought her a copy, annotated it, and sent it on its way.

Just like in Ready Player One, Armada featured a boat-load of 80's references, but this time around they weren't relevant to the plot at all.. Furthermore, the plot of Armada was just Ender's Game rewritten, a fact which was even mentioned within the narrative, it was so meta it hurt.

If I'm to be completely honest, I feel like Ernest Cline just slapped together a generic science fiction   book, knowing that it would sell copies due to the success of Ready Player One. This was just lazy writing and I won't read his next book, at least not until I've heard reviews of it.


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