
Saga by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples is the first graphic novel series I've gotten into, and I decidedly adore it.

The story follows a couple hailing from two warring planets, as well as their newly born daughter. And the family is being hunted by numerous individuals through the galaxy. 

The series is extremely creative; their babysitter is a teenage ghost, their spaceship is an extremely large tree, and there's magic to boot! Despite being so far from our reality the story deals with real issues from out own world, such as drug abuse and sex slaves. Due to this, the series tends to be quite graphic (heh)

And then of course there's the art itself. Fiona Staples is the artist behind Saga and she truly brings home the definitive Saga-experience. 

Finally, the characters are amazing. My favorite would have to be Lying Cat, the large, blue cat who always instinctually knows when anyone is lying. And then she exclaims "lying". Loudly. 

I highly recommend you all to jump on the Saga train as soon as possible. 

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