Presents for Bookworms

Winter and December are upon us, and it is that jolly time of year once again, when we start the beloved countdown to the Holidays.
Alolg with the joy of the season there is that tiny little stressful fact: What to get your loved ones??
To lighten your burden (especially the effort of coming up with a new, unique gift because you don't want to end up wrapping up the same thing as last year), I listed some of my top gifts for bookworms.
These can also easily be modified into suitable gifts for about anyone!
What is more, the idea can be added to a bigger present as a side to add flavor and show that you really care. After all, the thought is the most important.

1. Quote tote/shirt/mug...
For a reader this can be a literature related one but of course any line worth noting will do the trick.

2. Book + homemade bookmark
I have used this template where I fold a square piece of paper into a kind of pocket to slide the corner of a page into. Then just go ahead and personalize it any way you like and ta-da!! Obviously any other kind of bookmark is just as great a way to give a book gift a personal touch.

3. Deco frame with quotes/pictures
This is especially simple if the book you use as inspiration has been turned to a movie. And it goes without saying that your source doesn't have to be a book.

4. Fave book related props (authentic like HP merchandise or diy)
With this one you basically have no limits. Anything from a Mockingjay pin to a handmade replica of a Hogwarts house scarf to show some pride!

5. Bookswap
Planning ahead is probably the best way to go about here. Agree to both get a book for each other, read them and swap. You both get a good story and to have a conversation with the other while reading! For more details check out Laura's earlier post here.

Hopefully you now have an idea or two to help you out in your Christmas shopping.
I would love to hear about your thoughts if you try these out so leave a comment or email me :)

Let it snow

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