
Both me and Anna have previously talked about Tahereh Mafi's novel Furthermore, you can find the posts here and here. Not too long ago, I picked up my copy of the second book in the series Whichwood.

Another beautiful cover in this series!

I was excited to read Whichwood for a couple of reasons. Firstly I had obviously been a fan of the first book in the series, Furthermore, and wanted to read the next instalment. Secondly, Tahereh Mafi revealed the basic concept for Whichwood already at the Furthermore launch event, and the idea of a book heavily inspired by Persian mythology interested me. Finally, Whichwood promised to show more of the world of Furthermore, and to focus on a new main character.

Once I finished reading it though, I felt conflicted. Whichwood was a good addition to the series but I have a couple of issues with the novel. The new main character, Laylee, was absolutely amazing and her personal history was heartbreaking. However, I felt like the two main characters from Furthermore, Alice and Oliver, had a larger part in Whichwood than I had expected and felt to me like they were taking away the attention from Laylee. Moreover, including Alice and Oliver in such a large part made it seem as if Mafi was setting up a possible book 3 in a very heavy handed manner.

All of this is not to say that I didn't like Whichwood, it's just that after Furthermore I had very high hopes for the book. I'm still recommending these books to anyone who likes fantasy, just with the warning that the second book can be a bit of a let-down.


Have you read either of these books? Let me know what you thought in the comments down below!


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