The Girl With a Clock for a Heart
Have you ever wondered into the bookshop, spotted a box overflowing with mark down priced paperbacks then started to mindlessly go through the books just in case something pops out at you? This happens to me at regular intervals and thanks to some magical power out there the books that end up sticking in my hand and finding a new home on my bookshelf always turn out to be pretty good picks too.
I don't even remember getting The Girl With a Clock for a Heart by Peter Swanson, but I do remember picking it up every now and then only to set it back down and loose myself in another book. However, at the beginning of my holiday, when I realized I finally have time to read, I grabbed this book and decided to give it a chance for once. Turns out I was completely glued to the book all the time and finished it in no time at all.
I rarely read books of this type, murder mysteries, detective stories or thrillers feeling more at home with a nice fantasy story or the romance of historical fiction. I guess I was over due for a change to this because Swanson hit home on me. Like the blurb on the back of my copy says, the plot twists like a cork screw and the book is very hard NOT to finish in one go. Surprises kept coming and they came at surprising times. I was never bored and even the ending came out of the blue. I guess that's what a plot is at its best.
Knowing me you will have noticed that I always like to comment on language and how the book is written. Unfortunately this book wasn't one of those beautiful angel speech filled ones. But other aspects arose to account for this loss. It's a steady four out of five stars (even though you'll notice I originally rated it five on Goodreads) and a nice book to read.
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