Reading Is A Serious Business?
I am currently spending a girls' weekend with my mom. We've been enjoying the great outdoors, and relaxed -chilled in our hotel room reading.
That's one of the best things about books. For one you can bring them with you anywhere, and you can read for so many reasons. In search of something, to clear your mind or just relax.
This weekend books are definitely a form of relaxation for me. Not to forget the lighter form of reading that many readers completely overlook: magazines. There's nothing wrong with skimming through glossy pages mostly for the purpose of admiring amazing pictures. Not all reading can be serious, concentration demanding scrutiny of words.
If the title of this post made you feel uncomfortable I can assure you that you are not alone. I am a firm believer in reading explicitly for pleasure. Of course analysing texts is often mandatory for school or even as a hobby, but the most genuine way of carrying that out is when you catch yourself doing it naturally. I am sure I'm not the only one who often finds themselves caught up in a deeper analysis of the book they just finished. Sometimes I even need to wait several days before starting a new adventure with a brand new read simply because I am not ready to put aside the former.
To put a long story short, I want to remind you about the wonders of reading. Take a moment to appreciate the moment of freedom together with a good book that you have been blessed with.
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