A Reader's Paradise
Imagine a place with gripping books packed side by side shelf after shelf. New as well as old books. Classics. Completely new discoveries.
Walking in you can sense all of them. It is quiet, yet you can hear the headstrong protagonists calling for you. If only you could grab the books that you want and take them without a worry of spending all of your hard-earned savings. But you can. Yes, go on. Take the book. And the one next to it. "How?" you are asking. Welcome to a reader's paradise, the library.
That is how I felt like when I recently reintroduced myself to our local library. In the past I haven't really been into going to the library since I've been fortunate enough to borrow books that I wanted to read from Laura. But this summer that changed. I was in the mood to start a book that I hadn't had time to read and since it is summer, I realized that I can just get up and go get the book. Inspired by the memory of my friend's excitement on a new library opening near her house, I decided to give ours a try. So I jumped on my bike and rode down to the library.
I quickly found out that I had no idea where anything was, so I walked up to one of the computers and searched the book. It was not until then that it came to me that they might not even have the book, or that it might not be available. Luckily, all I was supposed to do to get it, was to go to section 2.4 YA. No problem. Until I realized that I have no idea where that is. Gladly the library personell are very kind and helpful. I did feel a bit embarrassed though.
Since then I have gradually gained more confidence. I still rely on the computers a lot, but I can say that I am making progress. Also, I am hooked. To prove it I can proudly say that I have visited no less than five times, checked out five books and even one movie and I really want to go back again. I even read two books in Swedish, a language that I study.
Long story short, libraries are pretty dang awesome.
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