Did Somebody Say Summer?

Summer. Is. Here. Summer is here. Those three words give me immense joy! Perhaps I should say it once more. Summer, it is here.
Summer means time. Time to read in bed, read on the beach, read out in the sun, read all day, read all night. And maybe something else too.
In terms of Books Are Jazzy, if summer = time then that must mean more updates. And I have a feeling that there might be something exciting on its way too. I'm thinking either a makeover, possibly a giveaway or something new. If not all. But definitely something unseen on here. I am not blowing this out of proportion. I swear. The summer spirit has gotten into me and I have no reason to stand in its way.
So, only one cheesy but very much relevant question remains. Are you ready for this??
--Yes, two question marks were totally needed.

---Just go with it.

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