July TBR
As I mentioned in my previous post, I want to spend July trying to get caught up with my various reading goals (book club books, library books, Beat the Backlist challenges, bestsellers, and so on). So at the end of June I opened up a blank word document and started figuring out what exactly I needed to read in order to hit my goals, while also staying on top of other reading "commitments" I had signed up for such as ARCs and blog tours. The final count of books came out to be 81, which frankly I'm not sure I would be able to read during the rest of the year let alone in one month. This wildly high number was partially due to falling behind on my goals and partially due to me stupidly adding more goals for myself when I was already behind on the ones I had. Realizing that it would be impossible to get through the whole list, I went through it and chose 10 books I definitely want to read. The shortened list includes ARCs and books that fit the various goals, but also just includes books that I'm excited about and want to read sooner rather than later. Without further ado, let's get into the books!

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