A "The Chosen One" Story

If you've read Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about when I mention the hype around Simon Snow. Let me tell you, Cath's hype is understandable. Now if you haven't read Rainbow Rowell's previous book, here's what's going on. (Shortly, Carry On is a Harry Potter-like book that Cath fangirls over in Fangirl)

I've always been such a Harry Potter fan that I couldn't believe how fresh a new take on the world of wizards (mages) with it's schools (Hogwarts vs Watford) and all the spells would feel. I literally felt butterflies in my stomach as I was reading Carry On, the story of Simon Snow. The different portrayal of everything magic and what I felt a wizarding school should be like felt liberating, like a breath of fresh air. I'm not even sure if everything was supposed to make you look back on how they were in the HP books, but I felt wild and free, like I was breaking rules. For example, in Carry On, wizards (mages) live amongst Normals, use mobile phones and have limited control over their magic. Each magician (the words wizard/witch are never used!) needs a tool for controlling their magic -and it doesn't have to be a wand. All of this new built around something so familiar was a complete joy to read about!

As for the plot and characters, I was hooked from page one. Yes, it's a "The Chosen One" type of story, but as I mentioned, fresh and a total page turner. All I can say without giving away anything (which would totally ruin the experience), is that I was obsessed with Baz and Simon, laughed out loud countless times and literally devoured the whole 500+ pages in record time. I de-fi-ni-te-ly do recommend!


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