Sunday Surprises

Like every Sunday morning, I put on my winter boots, threw on my warm eskimo coat and dashed down the short driveway only barely staying upright on the ice rink like ground. I opened the mailbox and grabbed the papers. Then, clambered back inside with my fresh paper in my tight grip. Back inside I made myself a cup of tea and sat down to read the day's actualities.

This time I was greeted by an especially nice surprise. The weekend extra, which I usually bypass in lack of time, featured a nice, four page article about tourists running around Barcelona in search of Sempere&Son and other places familiar from the Shadow of the Wind book by Carlos Zafón Ruiz. I had to do a super animated double take since I had just done the same on my BCN-vacation! I wrote  a whole post about it here. Actually Laura wrote a post about the book too (here's her thoughts).

It was really cool to look back and be reminded both of the book and the trip so suddenly without any warning. I certainly hadn't expected to see that when I flipped the page. So I guess I should encourage everyone to read news papers and not only hard cover novels. ;)

I also learned that the book is only the first in a series and that Barcelona is the setting for so many other interesting books both by the same and other authors. Fair to say my Goodreads "to read"-list gained a few new rows of books.

Have a great Sunday everyone!


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