Helsinki Book Fair Expectations vs Reality

Like last year, Laura and I visited the Helsinki book fair this weekend. I though it would be a fun way to tell about the experience like this. So here we go.......

General experience
Expectation: Something special or distinctive to see. Maybe some giveaways or competitions. Perhaps a new release or two!
Reality: A lot of books on sale. Several authors who had come to tell about their works and discuss interesting topics.  Nothing very unusual.

The worlds of Hunger Games and Divergents -why are there so many dark dystopia books for young adults? Such was the topic of the panel that we attended.
Expectation: Gripping thoughts on the topic and a surprising conclusion to broaden my horizons on the particular field of literature.
Reality: As intriguing as it may sound, the discussion didn't really have a chance to fully deepen into the subject. Whether this was an issue of not wanting to spoil anything to anyone I am not sure, but it is what it turned out to be like.
Some interesting points did come up, but more often than hoped they were slightly off-topic. For instance the possible new boom in YA writing after dystopia has passed was pondered. Many of the panelists bet their money on something equally dark.
What the reason for the abundance of dystopia books is remains under wraps though.

Expectation: Tons of finds and something exclusively book fair material. Or why not an early release/ preview to feel proud about?
Reality: In addition to the sole speciality of the panel visited, we (half of us) did make some purchases. The coolest tote bag is now a happy member of Laura's wardrobe stating that "A reader never goes to bed alone". And I went a little wild for I came home  with a new bookmark. In other words I didn't even get to add yet another new book to my overflowing bookshelf. Bummer.

All in all I had high hopes since last year was so great, but left feeling a bit upset. At least Laura and I had a good time catching up. So no hard feelings, better luck next year. :)


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