Inspirational problems
Do you know that feeling when you really need to think of an example for something but you just can't come up with anything? Or you would love to watch something on TV or listen to music but nothing seems good enough? Well, I recently felt exactly like that only I was having trouble with the choosing of a book to read.
School has been really intense this year and has taken up a giant slice of my time leaving hardly any energy left for my beloved hobby of reading for fun. I have read at least twenty academic books, but my list of books read for recreational purposes is pathetic, so short.
I am studying literature in school right now, and as one of the projects I need to read a book and watch the movie adaptation of the same text. At first I was excited: I would get to read virtually any book, and I would get credit for it in school! Then it turned out that I had more than enough trouble with deciding on a book-movie pair.
Turning desperate I looked through my own books, searched online, visited the library and asked so many of my friends for ideas. Yet nothing seemed to satisfy me. What had gotten into me? So many good books, none of which felt right.
After this had been going on for around a month, I simply decided that I would take up the next idea thrown my way. So, when a friend of mine kindly lent me her copy of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen and the movie directed by Joe Wrigh on DVD, I was more than glad to finally be set to actually start reading.
I have just started the book, but I do feel confident that the long wait was worth it. I am very excited to continue on reading and later get to watch the movie. I am even surprisingly hopeful considering taking the exam in a few weeks time. I also hope to post something on the way and my final verdict for the two.
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