A Glimpse into the History of Books

Have you ever come to think, that books are actually quite a new invention in the history of our planet? Let alone in the unimaginably long time the universe has existed. And still, we often consider books a symbol of old times. As if they had been here forever.
Stories have been around for quite a time. They have been passed on from generation to another through verbal communication. But the whole concept of a book came to be only much more recently, when people figured out that these stories and other information could be written down. Even then, books weren't made for entertainment as much because of the hard work that printing every word by hand caused. And it was not at all uncommon for people to be illiterate. Still, a world-changing invention had been made. The finding was made at least five independent times around the world.
It wasn't until printing by machine was invented though, that books became widely available to everyone. And even once the book was pressed and spreading, it was often written in a language one didn't understand, or was simply unable to read at all. And to think that this was only a few centuries ago. In some places, this is what it is still like.
The form of books is still evolving. Books are made more and more available for electronical devices. They are being made virtual. That is today, but who knows what the idea of a book will be like to people of our age one hundred or one thousad years from now?
I am no prophet and can't imagine what mankind will invent, but I dare say that books are going no where. Sure they can change, but I don't think there will be a generation left without a chance to read books.


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